Hi there!
Whether you’ve unintentionally stumbled upon my page or sought out this space, glad you’re here.
I’m Samantha, someone who deeply believes in the gift of storytelling. It wasn’t until recently that I was truly able to recognize this passion of mine and I am overjoyed to experience the vastness of this position - photographing your most sacred moments. There is something so special about capturing a piece of your life, preserving it, and. sending it off to you. It feels like a love note. Every single photo means something to me because I see the passion and love that intertwines the people, the faces. Who else gets the opportunity to stand so close to strangers and see such raw love displayed. From cold to hot, seconds to years, 1 to 100, I am continually reminded that life is short. With that in mind, I’ll capture the hand holding, kisses planted so gently, and hugs that never let go. Endlessly. Until I’m convinced to do otherwise.